We proudly present a recent writing assignment from one of our advanced students, Angel Espinoza.

Angel (on the left) is a dedicated student, and he frequently attends extracurricular activities, such as Coffee Break.

Have you ever thought what are 3 keys to be successful in your life? Well I can tell you 3 of them in my opinion. You need to be ambitious in your life, you need to have knowledge to confront the circumstances in your life, and the last but not the least you must be hardworking. Why do I tell you that? Why should you listen me? Ok my name is Angel, I work in JW Marriott hotel and I can tell you than you need to have these three keys to be successful and survive in this world.

Why do you need to be ambitious in life? Because that will help you to find a direction in your life, if you want something you will fight for it, and you need to have the ambition to get it. Maybe you will think that being ambitious you will became a bad person, but it depends on the circumstances. For example; you are fighting to get a job and others people too, so your ambition to get the job is important.

In addition to being ambitious, it’s important to be knowledgeable. What does this mean? Ok, it’s important go to the university, learn another language, and in my case I’m studying English in Instituto Estelar Bilingue, and I can tell you, speaking English has been a very important tool in my job. Why? Because the 90% of our guests are from the United States. Having the knowledge gets you closer to succeed.

Finally, if you are hardworking is very possible that you will get your goals in life. You always must give the 150% to find your goals and find the success, so if you are tired and you think that you can’t keep going, you always can do it, and give the extra mile in your life. My hotel has something call “Basicos de servicio”, and it is something like a guide to follow and give a excellent service. One of them is give a extra mile. In my hotel I and my friends always give the extra mile, and that’s the reason that my hotel is one of the best in Costa Rica.

So I give you 3 keys to be successful. You chose if you want to take it or leave it. I can tell you that these three options go hand in hand. Why? Because if you are ambitious you will give your all potential to get it, and if you have the knowledge you have more possibilities to find your success in life.

Angel E

Angel (left side) has been studying at Instituto Estelar Bilingüe, for six months!

4 responses to “3 KEYS TO BE SUCCESFUL IN LIFE

  1. Javier Ramirez

    Good job!!!

  2. Angel, that is amazing advice for anyone! Your English is great. Keep studying and you will improve and succeed!

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